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Botany Toastmasters

Our District’s Programme Quality Director Stephen Budai, DTM, recently visited Botany Toastmasters.

The club described the evening as a fantastic and fun evening with quality speeches and evaluations.
Budai, an outstanding speaker, shared some of his wisdom and helped as evaluator.

Their Vice President of Public Relations, Ngaire Pham, asked the president about the success of the club. President Shawn Lawyer responded:

What makes Botany Toastmasters so special?
Is it winning the President’s Distinguished award 10 years in a row?
Is it our champion speakers who frequently represent our club at the division level?
It is the people.
He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata (the people, the people, the people).
At Botany Toastmasters, we pride ourselves on offering our fellow Toastmasters positive encouragement; the skills and technique to achieve their personal goals, and a warm and welcoming environment.
Our fellow Toastmasters are the most important part of our club, and we work closely with them to ensure complete satisfaction with their educational journey.
Everyone is taken care of, the juniours are assigned a mentor from day one and are allowed to become a mentor when they see fit. Our senior Toastmasters are also challenged to become better mentors and progress through their pathways.
The constant feedback from guests and visitors is that we are warm, welcoming, and professional – with a hint of fun. They are always keen to sign up.
Everyone in the club has a role to play, whether it be as a speaker or even a committee member. We are a family that is always keen to grow bigger and support one another.
A club is only as strong as the people within it. That is what makes Botany Toastmasters so special.

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