Links for members

Contests, COVID, and Calls for Nomination

Those of you subscribed to the District Newsletter may have already seen this; for the rest, information on the following was published on August 20: The awards dinner on September 18 (by Immediate Past District Director Sharon Kerr-Phillips DTM) District Incentives (by Immediate Past District Director Sharon Kerr-Phillips DTM) Contest update (by District Director Stephen … Read more

Could you be your club’s Toastmaster of the Year? Click here to find out

As George Orwell might have said: “All Toastmasters are outstanding – but some are more outstanding than others” Every year, clubs may decide who among their members has been truly outstanding. Toastmasters International provides a set of guidelines for clubs to use; however a club can, if it wishes, use any criteria to make its … Read more

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, then click the login button on right

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link