Links for members

District Directory - Toastmasters New Zealand North

This page provides email contact information for clubs and officers for Toastmasters District 112. If you prefer to use a map, please click this Find A Club” link. The link defaults to Auckland – for other locations, enter the town you want in the first box and click the magnifying glass to the right. 

Almost 130 clubs is a lot to serve. Toastmasters District 112 (New Zealand, North) is organised into eight Divisions of about five Areas each. Each Area serves up to six clubs. Each Division is served by a Division Director; each area by an Area Director. Please click the tabs below for details of each division.

NOTE: Emails to Toastmasters clubs are sent to several people to better guarantee a response. This means you may receive more than one reply.

The District Leadership team is eight strong, led by the District Director. In addition there are a number of Field Officers for specialist roles. Contact details for both groups are at the end of this page.

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The District Calendar?
Click here, then click the login button on right

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

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