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District Director Report

Greetings inspirational valued members of District 112
2019 is now with us. A brand new year. A brand new chance to set direction. A brand New Year unfolds before us where opportunities abound and are ripe for the picking.

As the month unfolds before us, and, freshly rejuvenated from holidays, clubs swing back into action; I expect there will be many stories to share. Your District Trio, Programme Quality Director Neil, Club Growth Director Sharon and I will be attending Mid-Year training that is being held in Southern California on the 18th & 19th of January. During our absence from the country each of us will have some internet access, however if there should be a pressing need to contact a senior officer, our Public Relations Manager Rob Wightman will be the officer who is the first port of call. Rob can be contacted by phone/text at 021 022 04856 or email

In my December update I formally took the time to acknowledge and congratulate those Toastmasters who had achieved their “Distinguished Toastmaster” (DTM award), since the Toastmaster year began on 1st July. I omitted to include in that list those Toastmasters who had registered their DTM since the May 2018 Waipuna Conference. I apologise for this.

Please allow me now to recognise and congratulate Serena Irving DTM, Marcus van Irsel DTM and Craig Martin DTM. Also, since the last publication, Graeme Kettle DTM and Giyora Barzilay DTM have achieved this incredible milestone. With each of you striving and achieving this ultimate peak, you have not only improved your own personal abilities but have also positively encouraged and supported numerous others around you through natural progression as a direct result.

As a valued member of District 112, I would like to encourage all Toastmasters to take the time now to set your path for the next six months. What would you like to achieve? What awards and Levels would you like to have registered? Who can you invite along to your club as a guest that you feel would benefit from both the camaraderie and personal development opportunities that Toastmasters has to offer? Once you establish your goals, please share them with your VP Education in order that speech and role positions can be appropriately entered into forward planning rosters to enhance the chances of your desires being both achieved and recognised.

Wishing you all the very best for the rest of January. If you are travelling please take extreme care on our roads. I look forward to providing you all with another update in early February where I will also be able to share some of our learnings from Mid-Year Training.

Toastfully yours

Toni Sharp QSM DTM
District 112 Director

021 1147 254

🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲

Programme Quality Director

My, doesn’t time fly! Only six months to go in the Toastmasters’ year!

At the District level we are rather excited to see our new District 112 official website go live, and we hope that you will be just as enthused! Over the last six months we have been relying to a large extent on the services of the District 72 website, however we can now commence to ‘stand on our own two feet’. We will be working to have the website as an information site for intending members and also a resource for existing members. There is still work to do adding content that will assist clubs to attract and retain members and keep existing members informed.

The site may be found here:
By all means please have a look and provide feedback! The site is a resource for you!

The next six months is going to be a busy one with lots happening. Clubs will be thinking about their succession planning and looking at potential club officers from within their club member ranks. If you have members that are interested in a Club Officer position in the coming year perhaps they may like to attend a February Club Leadership Training session and see what it’s all about?

Divisions and Areas will have their contest plans well advanced and will be looking for clubs to advise them as to who the contestants are that they will be putting forward for the respective contests. They will also be looking for Judges! Have you tried your hand at judging? Have a read through the Toastmasters International Rulebook whether you are new to judging or an old hand. The rules are revised every year so all of us need to be aware of the rules and changes that come along.

The current version of the Rulebook may be downloaded from here;

It’s heartening to see that the number of clubs who have registered Pathways Level 1 awards (and above) is increasing all the time, however a year after taking on Pathways when all new members will be using Pathways as their educational foundation, there are still a number of clubs that have not registered a Level 1 Pathways completion. If you have challenges in this area then please do keep in contact with your Area Director. They are a resource that can either directly assist or alternately seek advice from their District support structure as to how best to assist.

Were you aware that Toastmasters International has released an update to the Navigator?

The online tool is a product of the Summit Team who in a recent Leader Letter said the following;

“We’re pleased to announce a newly created team in response to the wealth of feedback received about
Pathways. Made up of World Headquarters employees, the Summit Team’s primary focus is enhancing the Pathways user experience and learning journey. The team has been busy gathering feedback through member surveys, social media, emails, phone calls and more, and is committed to implementing continuous positive changes. We’ve heard you and continue to hear you. And while larger issues will take time to tackle, you should see small updates being released every few months.”

You can find the revised tool here: Please share the link, especially with your new members.

Look forward to a great year on your Toastmasters journey!

Best regards

Neil Stichbury DTM
Program Quality Director – District 112
🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲

Club Growth Director

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you. I hope that 2019, will bring all you want and a lot more.

We are delighted to welcome Orators of Demosthenes Toastmasters Club, our very first club to charter into District 112. Wishing you an incredible Toastmasters journey. The club is keen to have all 29 of their members mentored by members from outside the club through their first three speeches. Please contact me if you would be happy to mentor one or two members. (0210599897)
Members and potential members of Orators of Demosthenes Toastmasters Club

Our founder, Ralph Smedley’s birthday is on the 22nd of February, to celebrate, we are encouraging all Toastmasters to wear a pin on that day. If you do not have a Toastmasters pin yet, order one now through New Zealand District supplies: A Toastmasters pin is a great conversation starter and an excellent way to promote Toastmasters.

WIN WIN WIN one night’s accommodation on Saturday the 4th of May at the Distinction Hotel in Hamilton where the District 112 Conference, New Beginnings, is being held from the 3rd – 5th of May 2019?
Keep an eye on the District 112 website ( in the next few weeks to find out how. (A big thanks to our sponsor for making this possible).

We have an exciting time ahead of us, with growth opportunities for many clubs as well as a few new clubs chartering imminently. Should you wish to be involved as a sponsor, mentor or club coach, please contact us.
We will be running a coaching workshop early this year – please advise asap if a weekend or weekday evening would work best for you.

We are looking for membership building initiatives and campaign ideas – please bring us your ideas and share what has been successful for you in the past.
A reminder please Verify Your Club Contact Email – To make sure you and your club does not miss important club information, such as prospective member inquiries, Pathways-level completion requests or news from District and World Headquarters.

Keep your club contact information current by logging into CLUB CENTRAL and verifying or updating your club email address.

For assistance,
or call 021 059 9897.

A big thanks to Heather, our Division P Director, for her excellent use of the Division’s billboards. We welcome photos of billboards from other
Divisions as well

Happy New Year!

Warm regards
Sharon Kerr-Phillips DTM
Club Growth Director – District 112

🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲

Public Relations Manager

It’s JANUARY 1, 2019 Only 111 days and counting down to the start of RUN the RED!!

Designed to raise the profile of Toastmasters throughout the District, the Country and the World, RUN THE RED will be the longest continuous Educational Workshop for all Toastmasters to gain experience on the world stage, growing their confidence through the tools of listening, speaking, and leading.

Giving Presentations and Educationals that will enhance the knowledge of all who listen. Tales of the unexpected, Travel experiences and Personal stories of people who are living their dream. In admiration of ordinary people who are determined to grow their lives and live the experience.

We call them TOASTMASTERS.


Rob Wightman DTM
Public Relations Manager – District 112 Text/Mob 021 022 04856.

Happy to receive your Toastmasters Testimonials and experiences to encourage the world that Toastmasters is the place to be.

Click here to download as PDF

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