Links for members

What YOU Need To Know

Too much information? Toastmasters is notorious for it! What most need is a place to start – and, hopefully, that is here.
Need more? Try our Resource Library

I'm Thinking of Joining

Great! You need to know:
   1 – Where your nearest clubs are
   2 – What you want out of Toastmasters
   3 – What to expect at a meeting
   4 – What the next step is

  • To find your nearest clubs use our Google Maps-based guide, or for a full list go to this page
  • You may want something specific, or just have a feeling it might be a good idea. As a hint, think about times where you wanted to speak but felt uncomfortable. If you can talk about it we can show how we can help
  • Every club has its own culture but taking a look at the Membership pages – especially the Club Experience video – will give a good idea
  • The next step? Go along for a look and if you like what you see, say the magic words: “I’d like to join, please!”

You can find more details on our Prospective members’ pages

I'm on the Club Executive - Help!

Congratulations! You need to know
   1 – What’s expected of you
   2 – Where to find information
   3 – Who to contact for help
   4 – How to get the best from the role

  • Your best guide is the Club Leadership Handbook, followed by your Immediate Past President or anyone who has done the role
  • On your Home Page, check out the  “Leadership Central” and “From the Organisation To You” areas
  • It is a good idea to have several mentors – former Executive members are good, and don’t be afraid to ask your Area or Division Director – they are there to help
  • Make sure you go to Officer Training – see the Calendar for dates – and ask questions at Area Council meetings. Any officer can go to these


For more details, head over to our Club Officer pages

I've Joined! Now What?

Welcome! You need to know:
  1 – What’s expected of you
   2 – How to get started
   3 – How the various roles work
   4 – What you need do to prepare

  • All that’s expected is that you’ll have questions. Find members you trust to give you good answers; they will be your mentors. Start with the VP Education (VPE)
  • Your Path maps your interests to the education program. Seek advice on the best way to choose it, either from  your mentor or VPE
  • Your club may have a guide to meeting roles – if not, the basics are on this page
  • The best way to prepare is to read through the project, put some thoughts to paper, and discuss them with your mentor. There is no right or wrong answer, just alternatives to choose from

You can find more details on our Members pages

I'm A District Officer - Where Now?

Awesome! You need to know
   1 – What your limits are
   2 – Who can help you
   3 – What your duties are
   4 – How to get the best from the role

  • The key thought is that you are an adviser – its not for you to tell clubs what to do, but what they can do
  • You will feel overwhelmed – that shows you care and are learning. It also shows you need to talk. Other District Officers, Field Officers, experienced members – that you talk is more important than to whom
  • As Area Directors, your role is to keep in touch with your clubs and supply resources. Other roles are team leaders; its all in the Handbook
  • Make sure you get to training. Key phrases to learn: “Ask, don’t tell”, “Don’t know but I’ll find out”. Key phrase to avoid: “In MY club……”. 
  • Above all, remember you are also a member!

Need more? Try our District Officer pages and “District” member link

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, then click the login button on right

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link