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Elected District Officers 2021 – 2022

Toastmasters New Zealand North District 112 team for 2021 - 2022

Our Incoming District Officers for July 2021 – June 2022: ✦ District Director-Elect Stephen Budai DTM   ✦ Program Quality Director-Elect Wendy Wickliffe DTM       ✦ Club Growth Director-Elect James Hippolite DTM   ✦ Division K Director-Elect Sabrina Naseem LD4   ✦ Division L Director-Elect Suzy Elks LD3   ✦ Division M Director-Elect … Read more

Speakers Showcase – Unmute Me 2021

Speakers showcase International Director, Region 12 Lesley Storkey DTM About the Speaker Lesley Storkey, of Peregian Beach, Queensland, Australia, is the Region 12 International Director of Toastmasters International, the world’s leading organization devoted to communication and leadership skills development. Storkey was elected to the 2020–2022 two-year term at the organization’s 89th annual International Convention, held virtually 24-29 August. As … Read more

Candidates’ Corner 2021 – 2022

THE TOASTMASTERS NEW ZEALAND NORTH (DISTRICT 112) LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE HAS NOMINATED THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES: District Director Candidate: Stephen Budai DTM Program Quality Director Candidate: Wendy Wickliffe DTM Club Growth Director Candidate (One of two candidates): James Hippolite DTM Club Growth Director Candidate (One of two candidates): Richard Perkins DTM Division Director Candidates: Division K: Floor … Read more

Speech Contests | WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?

  (Click to see the video) – by Neil Stichbury, DTM, Immediate Past District Director TOASTMASTERS NEW ZEALAND NORTH, DISTRICT 112 Missing a learning area in your Toastmasters educational portfolio? Have you ever entered a Toastmasters speaking contest? Does your club engage in contests? Contests can be an important learning exercise, not only for the … Read more

Botany Toastmasters

Our District’s Programme Quality Director Stephen Budai, DTM, recently visited Botany Toastmasters. The club described the evening as a fantastic and fun evening with quality speeches and evaluations. Budai, an outstanding speaker, shared some of his wisdom and helped as evaluator. Their Vice President of Public Relations, Ngaire Pham, asked the president about the success … Read more

Toastmasters New Zealand North Newsletter | November 2020

The November 2020 Newsletter for Toastmasters New Zealand North District 112 is now available online. IN THIS NEWSLETTER: Region Advisor, Kaylene Ledgar, DTM: Region 12 Gathering District Director, Sharon Kerr-Phillips, DTM: Club Officer Training, Town Hall Meetings, Kingsley Moody’s Memorial Service, Mentors, Events, Future Leaders, District Alignment Chair, The gift of Toastmaster skills Program Quality Director, Stephen … Read more

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