Links for members

Save the date – Town Hall Meeting 7pm, November 12: Click here to find why YOU should attend!

Save the Date – Town Hall Meeting, November 12, 7pm Breaking news: Stephen Budai shows off new COVID mask……(one minute watch) Seriously, though: I hereby invite you to attend the Toastmasters New Zealand North District 112 Town Hall meeting 7-8 pm on Friday, 12 November.Come and ask all your questions and listen to our updates … Read more

Contests, COVID, and Calls for Nomination

Those of you subscribed to the District Newsletter may have already seen this; for the rest, information on the following was published on August 20: The awards dinner on September 18 (by Immediate Past District Director Sharon Kerr-Phillips DTM) District Incentives (by Immediate Past District Director Sharon Kerr-Phillips DTM) Contest update (by District Director Stephen … Read more

Could you be your club’s Toastmaster of the Year? Click here to find out

As George Orwell might have said: “All Toastmasters are outstanding – but some are more outstanding than others” Every year, clubs may decide who among their members has been truly outstanding. Toastmasters International provides a set of guidelines for clubs to use; however a club can, if it wishes, use any criteria to make its … Read more

Area, Division, District Contests – all will be in person (click here)

An important announcement by our District Director Stephen Budai DTM, regarding this Toastmasters year’s contests at Area level and above: Toastmasters New Zealand North District 112 determines face to face contests for Area, Division and District contests. NOTE: Your options may be affected by any COVID-19 restrictions applying at the intended time of your contest. … Read more

Questions about Pathways? Get help here

Check out the Pathways resources pages under the Pathways Quick Link, or explore the Pathways section of the Toastmasters International home page. If you missed our “Playing With Pathways” workshop, you can find the video on YouTube. Need to talk to someone about Pathways? Email to arrange a face to face or online session.

Toastmasters New Zealand North Newsletter | May 2021

Welcome to our May 2021 edition of the Toastmasters new Zealand North District 112 Newsletter. In this newsletter District Director, Sharon Kerr-Phillips, DTM Base Camp and Club Central “UNMUTE Me” 2021 District 112 Conference District 112 Awards Dinner 2019-202 and 2020-2021 – Our 2020-2021 District award winners will be recognised at our District Awards Dinner … Read more

Elected District Officers 2021 – 2022

Toastmasters New Zealand North District 112 team for 2021 - 2022

Our Incoming District Officers for July 2021 – June 2022: ✦ District Director-Elect Stephen Budai DTM   ✦ Program Quality Director-Elect Wendy Wickliffe DTM       ✦ Club Growth Director-Elect James Hippolite DTM   ✦ Division K Director-Elect Sabrina Naseem LD4   ✦ Division L Director-Elect Suzy Elks LD3   ✦ Division M Director-Elect … Read more

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, let the calendar load, then click the login button at top right of the Calendar area.

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link