Links for members

Resources For Members

The idea behind this page is to inform you of what you need to know that’s not in the categories of the other other sections – some of those confusing abbreviations, for example, and what they mean. Some of this will be useful early in your time with Toastmasters, some later on – but all will be useful in some way.

Thanks to Rose Oosthuysen and Shane Fenton for researching and pulling together the starting point for this resource list.

If you have an item that you found particularly useful, please either contact our Webmaster or add a link to it to our suggestions page with a brief summary of why you found it useful. Thank you!

What you'll find on this page

What's On Our YouTube Channel

Workshops (5 videos)

Workshops answering your Pathways questions, plus presentations on Club Central and officer roles

Communication Is Confidence (2 videos)

Short presentations on making your club easier to find

Division R Videos (6 videos)

A series of one-hour workshops on everything from Evaluation to Easy-Speak

District Awards and Recognition (5 videos)

The 2019-2020 Awards dinner and presentations

VP Public Relations Workshops (5 videos)

Marketing, Open House Meetings, Branding Guidelines – everything for your VPPR

Meetings over Zoom (3 videos)

Setting up and running meetings with our Zoom expert Laura Parsons

Communication from District leaders (42 videos)

Much more than newsletters – although they are there as well

Speech Contest Winners (5 videos)

Contest winning speeches – and tips about how to put them together

Reasons to Join (29 videos)

What motivated our members to become members!

Tips for Toastmasters Clubs(6 videos)

From using Facebook to making online meetings fun, ideas from Lauren Parsons

Toastmasters Facebook Groups

Toastmasters New Zealand North 

This is  the formal group for our District 112; around one in six Toastmasters in the District are members

The Official Toastmasters International Members Group

The largest Toastmasters group, open to members only – gives access to many highly experienced members

Pathways Discussion Forum

If you want to know anything about Pathways, this is the place to start, no experience necessary!

Other useful groups – and check out the other social media channels on our Home Page

There are groups for districts, regions, special interest – you name it, there’s a group for it. Search Facebook groups for “Toastmasters International”

Documents for Members

Useful Toastmasters magazine articles 

This is a digest of links to articles grouped into various categories. Its objectives are to cover areas where a large number of questions have been asked

Club Leadership Handbook

The official handbook of club leadership and a great reference for leadership in general

The Unofficial Toastmasters Leadership Workbook

This workbook has been designed to help you develop your leadership knowledge. The only resource on this site from an international design team.

Outstanding Toastmaster Guidelines

As George Orwell might have said:

“All Toastmasters are outstanding – but some are more outstanding than others”

Every year, clubs may decide who among their members has been truly outstanding. The link here is to a set of guidelines for clubs to use, previously published as Item no. 1113. However a club can, if it wishes, use any criteria to make its selection. Every member is eligible for this award.

This award covers activities in a single club, and extends to Area and Division. Selections above club level may use the same guidelines; however, the method used is at the discretion of the Area or Division Director involved.

There is a separate award (the Chrissy Meyer Cup) made by the District Trio covering activities across many clubs. Criteria for this award are in Part C of the District Procedures.

Understanding Storytelling

“Don’t just prepare a good presentation – prepare a memorable one” (Darren La Croix, WCPS 2001, presenting online at the D112 Conference in 2021)

“If you want to make a point, tell a story about it” (David Brooks, 1990 WCPS, presenting at the 2008 Convention in Hamilton)

Storytelling is at the heart of public speaking, but what makes a good story?  These notes will give you a good start to finding your answer. They were supplied by Brian Morris DTM, although he is not the original author.

District 112 Roll of Honour

If you’ve ever wondered who did well in our “Honours List”, this is stored in the “District” section – for each year since the District was formed in 2018. The list is not complete; if you can add to it (perhaps because you gained an award or represented your Division at the Conference) please let our Webmaster know. Thank you.

Pathways Progress Chart and Project Map

There are many variations on this. This one is useful because it shows a one-page view (for all paths) of what any given path requires you to do. The progress chart is from a club perspective.

Note the project map shows the original set of fundamentals (level 1) projects.

Personal Pathways Tracker

When you work several paths at once, you need to keep track of what you’ve done, what you uploaded, what evaluations are outstanding, and so on. One way is to use a personal tracker, with a sheet for each path. [Webmaster’s note: I learned this after clearing my desk following a long project – completed three levels with the evaluation forms I had stored there.]Presentation Mastery is set out as an example. To set up a new path, use the project list from either the Pathways learning page (Paths and Projects section) or District 4’s excellent summary as a starting point to change what you have duplicated from your previous path.

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The District Calendar?
Click here, then click the login button on right

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

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