Public speaking confidence communication leadership anxiety program

Links for members

What You Need to Know as a Toastmaster

This part of the site is intended to help you as a member get the best out of your Toastmasters club. It should tell you what you need to know, and encourage you to explore further.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Have you tried the search? Then let your Webmaster know what you were searching for and it will be added – assuming it is needed. Could be as simple as fixing a typo!


Tips for Newbies

Some ideas to help you get a good start with Toastmasters


Club Meetings

How all those different roles fit together to fulfil the mission of every Toastmaster

Pathways logo


What you need to know to use our Education Program - and how to get the best out of it



Links with short descriptions designed to help you get the best from your membership


Club Leadership

Thinking of helping run your club? Here's what you need to know....


News From District

There's more to Toastmasters than your club. See what's going on


Speech Contests

How to compete. How to judge. How to run. How to win-maybe.


Beyond the Club

Thinking "I'm enjoying this - now what?". Here's the answer....

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, let the calendar load, then click the login button at top right of the Calendar area.

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link