Links for members

Your Club Leaders, and Why You May Want To Join Them

This page is intended mainly for newer members

Toastmasters didn’t just happen, and your club doesn’t work by magic. This page shows who your club leaders are, what they do, and a little of how they do it. After all, you have promised “to serve as a leader when called upon to do so”. You might as well learn a little of what that means!

NOTE: If you would like to find more detail about what each officer is called upon to do, please see our Club Officers section. If you would like to know something of what’s in it for you, talk to your Executive members.

If you wish to have a strong club, you need to work at forming a strong Executive.

Electing a new Club Executive

An Executive can hold office for six or twelve months. Most in New Zealand elect for 12, in which case the term starts on July 1. Elections are held at the club’s Annual Business Meeting in May.  One of the critical roles of each Executive member is to act as a mentor to their successor.

The Executive Officers

President: Responsible for general supervision and operation of the club.  Presides at Club and Executive Committee meetings. Acts as a mentor and cheerleader for the club. The role teaches how to motivate members to work as a team for the good of the club.

Vice President Education: Responsible for promoting the Toastmasters Educational program to club members, and prepares the meeting program.  Attends Area Council meetings. Acts as a mentor and coach for members who do not have a formal assignment for that role. The role teaches a great deal about  the Toastmasters world beyond the club, and the benefits of exploring.

Vice President Membership: Responsible for marketing and promoting the club, and maintains membership records. The role teaches how to motivate themselves and others to help in converting guests into members.

Vice President Public Relations: Responsible for developing, implementing and administering a publicity programme for the club. The role teaches how to motivate yourself and others to help in getting guests into meetings.

Secretary: Responsible for keeping all the club records and correspondence, including communication with Toastmasters International. The role teaches the importance of policy and process in administration, organisation and record retention.

Treasurer: Responsible for controlling the club’s finances, including sponsor relations in corporate clubs. The role teaches organisation and financial responsibility.

Sergeant at Arms: Leads the hosting team, responsible for club assets and leads the social team. Calls meetings to order with a speaking role at each meeting. The role teaches assertiveness, organisation and impromptu speaking. A great role for developing your own style.

Immediate Past President: Provides guidance and serves as a resource to current club officers and members. An active member of the Executive, acts as either a mentor or coach as required. A great role to learn the difference between mentoring and coaching.

Training is provided

All club officers should attend the two Club Leadership Training sessions organised by the District team.  This training is a maximum of three hours and may be spread over several sessions.  Executive members find the training invaluable for learning about their role, and meeting Toastmasters performing the same role in other clubs.

Training is open to all members, not just the Executive. Members attending training who see the Toastmasters “world beyond the club” tend to be longer-term than those who do not.

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