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Digital Speechcraft Workshop

Toastmasters New Zealand North New format Speechcraft Workshop

Video of workshop now available

(click on the above hyperlink)

Speechcraft is a blended learning program. It is designed to provide optimal support for learners interested in building their communication and public speaking skills. The directed learning portion of Speechcraft is delivered by experienced members of Toastmasters International.

The Speechcraft digital experience was created for experienced members to help others become Speechcrafters.

Toastmasters members who become coordinators can earn DTM credit! The online projects include instruction on subjects that are designed to directly and immediately impact each learner’s public speaking skills.

The workshop will be presented by our District Director, Sharon Kerr-Phillips, DTM

Date and Time: Sun, Mar 7, 2021 2:00pm – 3:30pm | Pacific/Auckland

Location: Video of the workshop now avaialble

Category:      Workshops/Educationals/Training

Speechcraft Content Overview 

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