Help Us Improve This Website
A message from your Webmaster
If you have been using this site recently, you will have seen some changes, and there will be more to come. This page is to ask for your evaluation skills in matters such as
- What could make the site easier to navigate for you?
- What is missing that you’d like to see information on?
- Any glaring errors, embarrassing mis-spellings, or the like?
- Other suggestions for improvement?
A Quick Summary of Structure
The site is a work in progress, being replaced section by section. The changes try to follow two ideas:
- Each page has something for every communication style
- There are several distinct audiences, based on where you are on your Toastmasters journey
Starting at the top left of the homepage, as shown above:
- Pages that have been replaced will have headings like the one at the top of this page
- Clicking the logo will always send you “Home”
- The menu at top left is intended for the general public, being the first thing most will see
- The “Quick Links” menu on the right is intended to help members find main subject areas
- If the search box does not return a good result, we’d like to know what you were searching for
- “What you need to know” is intended to cover recent news of importance to members
- The buttons above the image are for major events and activities
- The buttons on the left are major role-based subject areas, and draw your attention to special events of interest
Comments and suggestions can be emailed to me at Thanks in advance for your help!
Mike Diggins DTM
D112 Webmaster