Links for members

How You Are Changing Our Website

This page aims to give (as far as possible) a non-technical view of the development of our website based on your suggestions and feedback. Where appropriate, an item will have a link to the added or changed page, the aim being to encourage ongoing feedback.

The story starts in early 2021 with the development of a vision by the 2020-2021 District Trio of how to answer a long-running question:

“How do we create a site that is relevant to guests, new members and those who have been Toastmasters for a long time?”

  • May 30 – first implementation of tooltips on homepage only
  • May 25 – revised District Roll of Honour implemented – filling the remaining gaps is on-going
  • May 20 – format revision to District document pages completed and installed
  • May 19 – District quick link structure revised to minimise number of clicks needed
  • May 12 – Recording of conference information completed
  • April 30 – all work for conference completed
  • March 27 – completed changes for the conference being online
  • March 20 – Began work on the text version of the Roll of Honour
  • Conference preparations and training
  • January 28 – completed the District Officer section
  • December 14 – with the exception of News (which needs an overhaul of all Posts), the rebuild of the Members section is complete
  • December 6 – Complete build of  tips, meetings and Pathways pages of Members section
  • December 4 – Add image galley to conference venue page
  • December 3 – Add accommodation details to the Taupō Conference pages
  • December 2 – Add a Member Achievements Tracking workbook to the Pathways page of Club Officers
  • December  1 – Link in the Training Register page, under Club Officer Resources page
  • November 28 – change keyboard to allow adding of Te Reo Māori macrons to text entries
  • November 27 – correction to allow users who are not logged in to edit registrations
  • November 26 – minor changes to improve the conference pages on mobiles
  • November 24 – Add a link to the Registrations page on the Conference menu and build out the Venue and Programme pages
  • November 23 – Add a grid and form to record pojects done or tried by members at level 4 and 5 of Pathways
  • November 21 – convert all the pages in the “Members” section to the Elementor Page Builder and added a brief description of what members can expect to see when each is complete
  • November 20 – add guidance for Secretaries and Sgt At Arms, plus basic information in the Members section, following suggestions at COT Session 1. Also add a link to the Suggestions form to the default footer so it appears on every page
  • November 19 – add log of changes and suggestion form to the “Help us Improve” section and rename the section
  • November 16 – rename “Quick Links” to “Links for Members” on the heading
  • November 15 – rename the “Education” Quick Link to “Pathways”, to help improve searching
  • November 14 – build the conference website’s structure as requested by the conference committee
  • November 10 – complete the Training Register page but leave unlinked until the first update is available
  • November 9 – conference registration forms ready for acceptance testing and release
  • October 15 – start development of conference landing page and registration form set
  • October 1 – Begin to categorise all unlinked documents and images in the media library – coffee required
  • Complete first build of “Not A Member Yet” and “Club Officer” sections, release for feedback
  • Complete the sections of the “Quick links” menu
  • Respond to Russian hacking threat and ransom demand
  • Complete courses on website security and install guardian software
  • Design and build the site header and footer using templates
  • Design and build the base pages for each specific audience (“Members”, “Club Officers”, etc)
  • Finish basic courses on the Elementor Page Builder software
  • Switch theme of site to work better with the Page Builder
  • Version updates on development and main sites
  • Update development site to use header and footer templates
  • Elementor software installed on main ad development site
  • Site landing (home) page built to new design by Warp Speed Computers to give a basis for site renovation
  • Home page and wireframe (site structure) designs agreed as working design of the revised site
  • Home page redesign presented by District Director Sharon Kerr-Phillips
  • Wireframe (site structure) design presented by District PRM Elizabeth Viljoen

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, let the calendar load, then click the login button at top right of the Calendar area.

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link