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Conference Programme

This page will always contain the most up to date version of the conference programme, when available, plus a downloadable link for both laptop and phone.

Information will only appear here when fully confirmed. Please check for details on our Venue page as well (opens in a new page).

Information on this page is current to April 29, 2024

Workshop 1 – Friday, May 3, 2.55pm – “Leadership in Voluntary Organisations”

Presented by Louise Grevel, CEO, Neighbourhood Support

Louise lives in the little Township of Waitakere, where 30 years later she and her husband
still reside in their first home having raised three children who are now adults.

It was through her children that she had her first taste of volunteering, starting with Kindergarten,
School, Sports Clubs, Guiding and also wanting to create a safer community for her family
to grow up in.

This has led her to her current role as Chief Executive for Neighbourhood Support New Zealand, having come through the ranks as a grassroots Coordinator and Chair of the National Board and a Volunteer Fire Fighter for local Volunteer Fire Brigade.

Louise is still involved with her local community including Residents & Ratepayers Assn, Hall Trustee, Cemetery Trustee and Community Patrol support.

Keynote 1 – Saturday, May 4, 8.40am – “Releasing the Leader”

Presented by Morag Mathieson DTM, International President, Toastmasters International

Workshop 2 – Saturday, May 4, 4.10pm – “Let’s Be Agile: Embracing Change as Toastmasters”

Presented by Johan Kvasnicka, Research Engineer, Zinnia Tek Ltd

Followed  by Q & A with International President Morag Mathieson

As well as his professional position, Johan is a long distance runner and running coach.

This workshop is aimed at streamlining club management. In Johan’s words:

In recent years, we have been through some unprecedented changes, reshaping our roles and responsibilities within the Toastmasters community.

This workshop is dedicated to tackling these challenges by simplifying club management through the use of modern tools and agile practices. We’ll delve into effective strategies for quick communication and close collaboration, aiming to maximize value for our members and even attract new ones.

By focusing on the benefits of agility, such as flexibility and the ability to embrace change at a moment’s notice, we’ll uncover how our clubs can not only adapt but flourish in today’s changeable environment.

Join us to learn how embracing agile methods will transform your Toastmasters club into a more responsive, member-focussed and thriving community. Let’s Be Agile!

Keynote 2 – Sunday, May 5, 8.55am – “Journey to Success”

Presented by Kevin Prohl DTM

Workshop 3 – Sunday, May 5, 9.40am – “Courage: Breaking the Chains of Societal Expectations”

Presented by Rachel Gregory

Rachel Gregory, a dynamic full time working mother and small businesswoman of 33 years young, transcends before you as a beacon of hope, with the task of discussing the depths of life perspective, asking the big question many of us contemplate. Why are we here and what is important?

Through years of introspection, therapy, research and a strong commitment to personal growth, Rachel stands up to share her most vulnerable life experiences, in the hope that it resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds, fighting the long-standing stigmatisation of mental health and depression. She invites you to join her on an intimate journey of discovery and empowerment, where authenticity and courage pave the way to a brighter more inclusive future.

Followed by –  “Ideas for Completing Level 4 and 5 Pathways Projects”

Presented by James Hippolite, D112 District Director

Tempted to repeat Level 3 – again? Don’t be – this workshop will inspire you to complete your path!

James Te Kahupuku Hippolite, DTM, is of Ngai Tahu, Ngati Koata, Ngati Kuia and Ngati Toa descent. He is pleased to whakapapa to two marae, in Whakatu(Nelson) and Takapuahia (Porirua). In his 40-year IT career, James has been Database Administrator, Software Developer, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Scrum Master and Tech Lead.

James began his Toastmasters career in 2015 when asked to help charter Manukau City Baptist Church Club. James found his niche. In the 9 years since, he has achieved 2 Distinguished Toastmasters Awards, coached 2 clubs, run a Speechcraft course and now is honoured to lead the District.

Plenary Educational – Sunday, May 5, 10.20am – “Embrace the Energy”

Presented by Toastmasters International President, Morag Mathieson

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