Links for members

Where to next?

There are seven officer roles within a Toastmasters club – and a great deal more outside the club environment.
This page asks you to replace “Will I do something next year?” with “What will I do next year?”.

You’ve had a good chance to see how the Executive works and how much time you need to devote outside the meeting. You’ve seen what the responsibilities of each role are, from attending training and from the Leadership Handbook.

Although its never too early, March is probably the best time to show interest in taking up another officer role by discussing it with current and previous holders.


Take the opportunity to stretch your leadership skills to the next level. Become an Area Director.

If you’ve been a club officer before, this is a great opportunity to learn more about Toastmasters and find out how other clubs work. If you are interested, or know somebody you think might be suitable, please submit nominations or contact our District Director.

To either nominate yourself or someone else as an Area Director, please complete the part applicable to Area Directors on the Toastmasters International District Officer Nomination Form.

Whoever has been nominated needs to sign the Toastmasters International District Leader Agreement and Release Statement.

For more information about the opportunities, responsibilities, and process to nominate an Area Director:




You can also check out our District Leadership page.

Maybe you’re not quite ready to lead a Division, but no Division Director can work without a team to handle roles like

  • Secretary
  • Public Relations

Candidates for your Division will be looking to build a team; if you’d like to see how a Division works, talk to them directly.

Just as your Division Directors need a support team, so the District Trio also needs formal specialists:

  • Administration Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Parliamentarian

District 112 also has the equivalent of a Sergeant At Arms – the District Logistics Manager.

Elected officers are the Division Directors and the three senior officers:

  • Club Growth Director
  • Program Quality Director
  • District Director

Nomination for those roles is the same starting point as for Area Directors; you’ll find all the resources you need in that section.

Field Officers are the specialised roles of the District, such as

  • Historian
  • Statistician
  • Webmaster
  • FreeToastHost support
  • Zoom Master

and others that the Leadership Team may feel are needed. Each field role nominally reports to one of the Senior District Officers as an advisor and to take on tasks suitable for their specialist skills.

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, then click the login button on right

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link