Links for members

Past Events in District 112

Starting mid-September 2021, events will be added to this page, which is intended to serve as a directory. Photo and video galleries will be a part of this. If you have additional images of your event, please feel free to contact the District Webmaster to get them published.

"Playing With Pathways" workshop

Tuesday August 31, ONLINE via Zoom

This workshop is open to any Toastmaster – online limit is 100.

Take a short survey to help us understand our audience.

Not sure about Pathways? Stuck on a level – or a required project?

Too many times, the answers to questions about the Pathway programme include terms like

“Its not what I want to talk about”

“Where’s the fun?”

“Too corporate – not relevant to me”

and the all-time classic


Honest opinions, but not great evaluation. This workshop aims to show that fun and professionalism can and do live in the same programme.

Whangarei Toastmasters 50th Jubilee

Saturday 26 February 2022, 5.30pm

Rotorua "Speak To Inspire"

Thursday 6 May, 2021, 7.00pm

Rotorua Speak to Inspire invitation

Speak to Inspire

You are invited to an Open House Event HOSTED BY Kingi Biddle, DTM


What you will learn

The evening is hosted by Kingi Biddle, on behalf of the 7 Toastmasters clubs in Rotorua. Kingi is an undisputedly inspirational speaker, who quickly makes you feel at ease. He will share insights, introduce speakers from local clubs and keep you informed.

We will demonstrate:

  • presentation skills
  • impromptu speaking
  • fun while learning

When and where?
When: Thursday 6 May
Time: 7-9pm
Cash bar opens at 6.45 pm
Where: Rotorua Golf Club – Akrikapakapa, 399 Fenton Street, Rotorua (opposite Te Puia)
Price: FREE
Supper served during the interval


Toastmasters Clubs in Rotorua

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