Links for members

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we encourage you to do so and it costs you nothing but time. Toastmasters is a big step, and you can visit several times before deciding to take it.

Just your curiosity, a willingness to to ask questions, and pen and paper if you like to take notes.

Going to Google Maps, turning your location on and searching for Toastmasters will show you –  or you can click here for a full list

You can just turn up, but bear in mind many clubs in New Zealand meet every fortnight. Most publish calendars on their websites – but its never wrong to check.

No, but you will have the opportunity. Its worth thinking about what has bought you to Toastmasters; if we know that, we can start working out ways in which we can help.

It can seem that way to some, and clubs do differ in how they work. However, every meeting (not just Toastmasters) benefits from having an agenda and an idea of what it wants to do. Most newer members appreciate having an idea of what is expected of them, so play it “by the book”. Later on, you can have fun learning to develop and apply your own style if you wish.

Essentially, members learn by doing different roles according to a roster or by choice. While different clubs have different cultures, you’ll always find three types of role:

  • Facilitators lead the meeting (chairman) or sections of it
  • Speakers  form the backbone of the meeting, both prepared and impromptu
  • Evaluators provide constructive criticism of the delivery of the various roles

Log on to What?

The District Calendar?
Click here, then click the login button on right

Toastmasters International?
Click here for the login page.

Changing the D112 website?
You want this link