District Resource Library
Hover over the buttons for a brief summary of the contents of each section. Click for a list of links in that section.
Summaries of resources, each to a theme
Ideas for getting the best out of your meetings, whatever the format
How to put a conference together, and some sample educationals
Tips to help you compete, organise or judge a contest
Getting the best out of any Council meeting
Workshops, record-breaking attempts and other unusual events
Work in progress - steered by our CGD
Food for thought to help you get the best out of Toastmasters
How best to serve your Club or District - and learn while doing so
Practical help with our education program - and where to find more
Ideas for promoting your club AND Toastmasters itself
Training or being trained, this will give useful ideas
How to get started with Facebook - and, for good measure, LinkedIn
Starter Canva templates to promote your Club or District events
How best to serve your Club or District - and learn while doing so