Information for District Officers
This page helps answer “What does a District Officer need to know about…..?” Please click on the images or headings for more details.
As a District Officer, you’ll find the District Tools section of Leadership Central invaluable. Start here for a summary of your role.

Working With Your Council Meeting
You will chair one council and contribute to others. Here's how to enjoy the process!

Pathways for District Officers
Ideas to help you support your clubs as they help members get to grips with Pathways

Membership & Public Relations
From setting up a web presence and the basics of SEO to traditional campaigns and more

Area Director Club Visits
Find how you can help your clubs by visiting them....and learn more about leadership

Resources for District Leaders
Find answers to your own and others' questions, and meet the District Trio and their team

Speech Contests Between Clubs
What you need to know to organise contest events, and help your clubs run better contests