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Become A Better Thinker

The Importance of Critical Thinking

We join Toastmasters to be able to speak effectively. As we progress, though, the ability to give effective feedback becomes important – and often, that is why we stay.

“There is no possibility of communication unless people understand. Evaluation helps you to find out whether you are making yourself understood.” – Ralph Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters

Fundamentals of  Speech Evaluation

Evaluation is

  • Well structured
  • Motivational
  • Based on the objectives set by the speaker
  • Intended to be positive, specific and helpful
  • Intended for the audience as well as the speaker
  • One person’s opinion
  • Delivered, ideally, in the third person

It is based on

  • How the speaker met their objectives
  • What the speaker could do to improve effectiveness
  • What was NOT done that, if done, could have improved effectiveness
  • Which “tools” could be used to improve effectiveness of delivery
  • A structured delivery of commendation, recommendation and commendation (the C-R-C method)
  • A summary to recap the main points

Commendations show what went well, and why it worked

Recommendations  are opportunities for improvement, delivered to show

  • What could be improved on
  • Why what was delivered could have been more effective
  • How the speaker could have changed delivery to make it more effective

By giving evaluations, members learn what can make an effective speech and so learn how to improve their own speaking.

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