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Your Council Meeting

Whether you lead an Area, Division or District, you will be on at least one council. Your attendees are volunteers – this page focuses on getting the best learning for everyone out of these meetings.

Table of Contents

The District Council

Summary of Meeting

Voting members of the District Council are the District Executive plus Club Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education. For meetings held in person, those votes may be assigned to proxies. A proxy must be a member of the same club as the voting delegate, and present an assignment form to the Credentials team. No proxies are allowed for online meetings.

The council meets twice a year – at its Annual Business Meeting (ABM) in May, and the previous September where the meeting is online.

Summary of Agenda

A District’s ABM agenda is very similar to a club’s:

  • Confirmation of quorum
  • Presentation of elected Officer reports by the District Director (equivalent to President)
  • Presentation of financial reports by the Finance Manager (Treasurer)
  • Election of Officers
  • Motions on Notice
  • General Business

All supporting documents including notice of meeting, agenda, previous minutes are presented in advance on the District website under District Documents for the relevant year. 

The above is a summary; full information is on the Toastmasters International website.

The Division Council

Summary of Meeting

Permanent members of the Division Council are the Division Director plus the Area Directors. Other roles may be assigned, such as Assistants for Program Quality and Club Growth. The Council meets at least twice a year; notice of meeting should be given by the Division Director at least four weeks in advance.

The main role of the Division Director is to help clubs achieve their mission by supporting the team of Area Directors. 

Likely Agenda Items

The following is taken from Protocol 7.1 (District Events) of Toastmasters Governing Documents:

Unless noted, the following business is conducted at Division Council meetings:

  1. Area Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Area Program are presented.
  2. Club Success Plans and progress in the Distinguished Club Program are presented.
  3. The club officer training attendance report is presented.
  4. Plans for Division events, such as training and speech contests, are made.

The Council meeting also gives great scope for Division Directors to build effective, well-informed teams. As such, it is an opportunity for all to extend the District Officer Training sessions – and for the Division Director to collect information to feed back directly into training sessions.

The Area Council

Summary of Meeting

Permanent members of the Area Council are the Area Director, plus the President, Vice President Education and Vice President Membership of each club in the area. Appointment of an Area Secretary is also recommended. The Council meets at least twice a year; notice of meeting should be given by the Area Director at least four weeks in advance.

The Area Director is the connection point between the mission of the Club (to provide a learning environment) and that of the District (to support and grow the network of clubs). As such, they are in a position to advise both club and district of resources and training needs.

Summary of Activity

Area Council meetings are District Events and agendas need to follow the protocols for those events.

The Council meeting also gives great scope for Area Directors to build effective, well-informed and well-motivated teams. As such, it is an opportunity for all to extend the Club Officer Training sessions – and for the Area Director to collect information to feed back directly into training sessions.

In particular, there is likely to be a mixture of Pathways skills and abilities present, which gives an excellent opportunity to exchange information and have questions answered.

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