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DISTRICT 112 AWARDS DINNER -Saturday September 28th

Saturday September 28th – Waipuna Hotel and Conference centre

The District 112 Awards Dinner is now a Buffet event open to all Toastmasters and their guests. There will be the annual Awards presented in the past at the November convention. This year we have additional Run the Red Awards presented in celebration of your Guinness World Record.
The cost is $46.00 per person should be paid by September 19 to the D112 account 020 480 0047317 00. Please use RTR and your name as a reference
This should be a fantastic evening for Toastmasters District 112, celebrating a world-wide first for Toastmasters.
Public warning – My friend and your MC for the evening is John ‘BJ’ O’leary DTM.
See you there

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